Category: projects

  • Using the API

    I live and ride bikes in Lawrence, Kansas. I used to be active in the Lawrence Mountain Bike Club, and I helped with their web site. One of the things that we needed to communicate to mountain bikers in the area was how much rain we’d gotten recently, so that we can help folks judge…

  • Facebook apps

    So this post is really an experiment. I’m hoping that when I post this, I will see a link show up on my Facebook feed. If that works, I may have successfully integrated Facebook with this blog. The crazy thing is that, of course, there’s really no coding involved with this process. It’s something that…

  • Another WordPress site

    I finally got around to updating with a new design and moved it over to WordPress. I’m not ashamed to admit that a big hurdle for me was my existing PHP code for allowing people to join the club via our PayPal account. I loathed the idea of having to create some kind of…

  • First Drupal site is live

    I successfully converted my brother-in-law’s static and Dreamweaver-templated web site to Drupal this morning. I don’t know if he will like it, but I can certainly see where it’s going to make my life a little easier. Plus, now he can login and add and edit pages himself. The URL, by the way, is…

  • Progress

    Well, I’m pleased to say that I am finally making some progress. It’s one of those weird things about the creative process, for me anyway, that I go through periods of quiet, silence… dullness. And then other times I have flurries and storms of productivity. I seem to be in the midst of a storm,…